Burn Like A Star
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Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash |
I was thinking of 7 kinds of things I want to do with my life and with this blog. They are posted on my book shelf as a reminder. I was sitting here thinking about goals and things I would like to do accomplish or be in the months ahead. I have post it note to do lists every day stuck to my computer but this is a deeper kind of goals. They have more to do with a kind of lifestyle that I want to have.
Here are my 7 things. I believe all are born out of a life of prayer and being in a intimate love relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Learn - I want to be a lifetime learner. I want to always keep a sense of curiosity and wonder. John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. I have not yet scratched the surface of all there is to know and experience of God.
Create - I am made in the image of my Father who is creative in every way. I want to create things of beauty. I want to create solutions. I want to create just for the sake of creating. I want to create atmospheres and places to encounter the great love of God.
Share - I want to share my life and thoughts. To be open, vulnerable and sincere. I would not consider myself a story teller but our individual stories are powerful. They encourage others to not give up. They give us hope they motivate us to press in in prayer and to boldly take risks for His glory.
Inspire - God is not a respecter of persons. If I can - so can you. To inspire is to dream, to imagine the possibilities. To try something new or do something old in a new way. To believe in yourself because Christ lives in you and you live in Him. In Him we live and move and have our being. He gives us our identity.
Empower - To help others see the authority they have been given as believers and to help them get plugged into our power source. Our power comes from the Holy Spirit. "You shall be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man" -- it is a power that will overflow out of you, if you will let it. It gives us the strength to persevere when we face trials or suffer, strength to combat the enemies lies, strength to serve, and to witness for your Lord. It is the same power that raised Christ from the dead and it is the same Holy Spirit that empowers us to live out our lives as believers.
Enjoy -Fulfilling our destiny is not about a long check list of things that we pass or fail at doing. It is about loving the the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and loving our neighbors as ourselves. It is about growing in our relationship with the Lord to a place that we begin to see things from His perspective. We begin seeing things that we could do or being inspired to create. Jesus endured the cross because of the joy set before Him. We are that joy and His joy should permeate our lives.
Rest - On the 7th day of creation God rested. When we rest, the ability to do the other 6 things on my list are birthed in us. We live in a stress filled world but we are to overcome the World. When we don't take the time to rest we become more prone to making mistakes. Our motivation becomes one of striving, of worry, fear and performance. We are already accepted in the Beloved. I don't do things to earn His love and acceptance. I have His love and acceptance and from that place He invites me to partner with Him. Sometimes to rest, sometimes to work, sometimes to play, sometimes to tear down enemy strongholds. Every day is an adventure when we walk with the Lord.
I have a friend that I get together and we share our writing. Sometimes we work through various studies. Sometimes we tackle writing prompts. Then we share with each other what we have each written. The other day the prompt was to write an honest eulogy. I wrote the following.
She purposefully and creatively pressed forward toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called her heavenward. I hope people would say I inspired them to want to know Jesus intimately. That I did the will of God in bringing to the earth the things of Heaven. That I raised up Kingdom sons and daughters who would continue on long after me....
That I would press into the Father for His help to accomplish the much more that I was meant for. That I would fully live, love and express what was in the heart of God when He created me.
There is a scene towards the end of the movie Stardust by Neil Gaiman where the evil witch is trying to destroy Yvaine and Tristen. There is a moment when Yvaine remembers that she is a star. She tells Tristen to close his eyes and hold her tight. She tells him “What do stars do? They shine.” She does just that and light overcomes the darkness and evil is defeated.
We were not made for endless to do lists. We were made to live and to shine for His glory. Too often we over complicate the call of God on our lives. When in every day, in every way we were simply created to shine for His glory. Matthew 5:15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
So dear reader, Burn Like A Star. Let God light a fire in your heart!
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